Traveler's Almanac
Introduction The first publication of Traveler's Almanac was 1975, and it became an imprint for numerous other travel books. Here are the covers from most of the books; a full set is archived at the UC Santa Barbara Special Research Collections in Isla Vista, California. When the first printing didn't sell, Bill Muster hired his longtime friend Eddie Hilliard, Sr., to sell the books. Hilliard marketed them to the bank across the street from Muster's 6900 Santa Monica Boulevard office. His pitch was to give the book away as a free gift to people who open a savings account for a future family vacation. The idea worked, the bank sold out the 1975 edition, and they reordered the Almanac each year for three more years. The 6900 Santa Monica building was production central for the Almanac, with writers and researchers in every corner of the building, preparing and updating the books. This was before people had computers, too. Most of those who took part were from the Society for American Travel Writers (SATW), plus other travel-savvy friends. Front and back covers World Traveler's Almanac A comprehensive reference to world travel by 20 experts with money-saving ideas on airlines, tours, cruises, rent-a-cars, shopping, customs, tax write-offs and vagabonding NEW . . . for business and vacation travel Special bicentennial feature . . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY USA Produced and Published by Bill Muster, 1975 Distributed by Rand McNally & Company Editorial Directors Nancy Meyer and Larry Meyer Designer and Art Director Norman Kirk Associate Editor Craig Buck Tours Editor Carol Baker Contributing writers: Craig Buck, Janet DeLand, John Bragin, Michael Paul, Jeffrey Perl, Laurence Pett, Robert Bobrow, Frank Riley, Elfriede Riley, Jerry Hulse, Patrice Manahan, Sandra Hart, Paula Hassler, Larry L. Meyer Research Assistants Susan Hamer, Jane Howland, Terry Masters, Jita Merson, Margene Sandstrom Special thanks to Pan American World Airways for permission to use portions of Pan Am's World Guide, The Encyclopedia of Travel, to Trans World Airlines for advice on air routing, to Thru The Lens Tours for photographs; and to the many foreign tourist offices without whose cooperation the preparation of the Almanac would have been impossible. 8-1/2x11" format, 320 pages, b/w photos, charts, and maps Front and back covers America's top 500 sights to see By Larry and Nancy Meyer Published by Bill Muster, The Traveler's Almanac, 1975 8-1/2x11" format, 64 pages 103 color photos (including front and back covers), plus maps and b/w photos Front and back covers U.S.A. Vacation Guide: the top 500 sights to see By Larry and Nancy Meyer Art Direction by Norman Kirk Published by Bill Muster, Traveler's Almanac, 1975, 1976 8-1/2x11" format, 64 pages 100 color photos, plus maps and b/w photos Front and back covers Rand McNally Traveler's Almanac Worldwide Touring Guide Touring America in the Bicentennial The Top 500 Sights to See. Written by 20 travel experts with in-depth coverage of airfares, cruise ships, foreign railways, auto purchase and rental, special interest tours, travel agents, tour operators, shopping abroad and unique travel adventures Produced and Published by Bill Muster, 1976 Distributed by Rand McNally & Company Editorial Directors Nancy Meyer & Larry Meyer Contributing Writers Craig Buck, Janet DeLand,John Bragin, Michael Paul, Jeffrey Perl, Laurence Pett, Frank Riley, Elfriede Riley, Patrice Manahan, Larry L. Meyer Art Director Norman Kirk Research Assistants Patty Barnes, Brit Pedersen Gorman and Jita Merson Special thanks to Thru the Lens Tours, Inc., and the National Parks Service for photographs. 8-1/2x11" format, 320 pages, including detailed index, color and b/w photos, and maps Front and back covers Travel Adventures in California By Frank Riley, Travel Editor, Los Angeles Magazine Original photography by Bill Muster Editor Nancy Meyer Art Director Norman Kirk Published by Bill Muster, The Traveler's Almanac, 1976 8-1/2x11" format, 64 pages, including detailed index 103 color photos (including front and back covers) 101 Wonders of the Modern World by Nancy Meyer Published by Bill Muster, The Traveler's Almanac, 1977 5-1/2x8-1/2" format, 94 pages includes maps and photos Front and back covers Rand McNally Traveler's Almanac The International guide Produced and Published by Bill Muster, 1978 Distributed by Rand McNally & Company Executive Editor Bill Muster Editor-in-Chief Nancy Meyer Art Director Normal Kirk Contributing Writers Craig Buck, Janet DeLand, John Bragin, Michael Paul, Jeffrey Perl, Larry Pett, Frank Riley, Elfried Riley, Patrice Manahan, and Larry L. Meyer Staff Writer Jackie Kamzan Research Assistant Brit Pedersen Gorman Fourth edition copyright 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 by Bill Muster 8-1/2x11" format, 320 pages, including detailed index, color and b/w photos, and maps Sample page from America's top 500 sights to see, by Larry and Nancy Meyer. All the 8-1/2x11" books follow this format. 101 Wonders of the Modern World, by Nancy Meyer, and a few of the other smaller books follow a slightly different format. A 1975 publicity photo for America's Top 500 Sights to See and Traveler's Almanac - including a sight to see - Bill Muster with a goatee! index |